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The idea that the functions of the psyche are bound to a brain or a nervous system is incorrect. Every cell is a living organism consisting of matter, energy and the possibility of processing information. In this way, all living cells have a psyche and can learn from their experiences.3

2 Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet. An English translation of the 4th letter from which this quote appears can be found here: https://www.carrothers.com/rilke4.htm (retrieved 05/07/21)

3 https://www.pnas.org/content/118/10/e2007815118 (retrieved 05/07/21)


More complex cell structures produce more complex forms of psyche and therefore different ways of understanding what is going on.


One of the special features of the human psyche is that it can become aware of itself. We are, in principle at least, capable of self-awareness and self-understanding. With our psyche, we are even capable of practising the science of ‘psychology’. This comes with a special caveat of course, that those who wish to be psychologists must first be able to truly see and understand themselves. If people don’t understand themselves, they will not be able to understand their fellow human beings.
