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She confidently walked through the labyrinths of the castle and was already not far from her bedroom, when suddenly Duke Edward Ereman, the head of the powerful magical Falcon clan, appeared on her path.

– Is there anything I can do for you, my lord? – Anna asked, unable to get past him.

– Let's not be too polite, – the young man said sharply, and smiled wryly. – I suggest, madame, that you spend the night in my comfortable bedchamber.

Anna put her hand to her throat again, as if it hurt, and stepped back a little.

– I do not think your bedchamber is more comfortable than mine, my Lord, – the Countess Raine replied, her voice firm and somewhat distant.

She hurried past, but it was not possible, as the young man again blocked her way.

– Tell me, how many lovers have you had? What is it? – he asked, watching as Anna struggled to keep her hands from shaking.

– I don't want to discuss this with you, Lord Ereman.

Edward was advancing on her, still smiling unkindly.

– You're all brainless dolls who can only bat your eyelashes and dress up.
