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– Personal connections? – Arthur asked.

– The whole family died during the Civil War and the war with Arenia. Her friend is the Countess Rogneda of the Rhone. Possesses magic of the highest destructive power, nickname – Black lightning. Nephew Ratmir – abilities unknown. Not related by blood.

– How?! – The king shouted.

– Is the son of a cousin's widow from a second marriage.

– They're not even related, – Raven said angrily.

– More information, – the Falcon demanded impatiently.

– The almost lifeless desert under her leadership has turned into a rich land in ten years. She has her own army.

– What?! – All three of them shouted at once.

– Details, – the head of the Bear clan gasped.

– Fifteen years ago, the Duchy of Auden, the people banished to the desert, and the tiny county of Roden were in danger. To resist the nobles of Adenia, the peoples united. The army has a powerful defense capability and a legion of dragons. This time, the friends couldn't even say anything.

In the dim light, the already wide pupils of the bear's gray eyes grew even wider.
