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As they ran into the vault, they saw the gleam of a teleport opening. Robin struck with magic, which was immediately deflected and reinforced with a shield borrowed by the burglar from the royal treasury. Placing the shield in front of the king so that he could hold it, the knight turned to face Arthur and Edward.

– And you are a great swordsman, sir, – said the Falcon contemptuously, drawing his sword and charging at his opponent.

Their blades crossed, and the duke felt the confident strength of the enemy. A moment later, the knight performed an unfamiliar maneuver, the sword that slipped out of the young man's hands, plunged into the wall, and he himself was hit in the jaw and fell to the floor almost in a semi-conscious state.

– Well, it's understandable that you can fight with swords, – said Arthur. – Maybe we can try it with our fists?

Silent as a ghost, the intruder calmly put down his blades and dodged the Bear's sharp lunge. The masked man was jokingly dodging Arthur's well-aimed punches. He was waving his arms, and his expression was becoming more and more confused. The young man fell from one imperceptible movement of the opponent, which even a swing could hardly be called. Leaving his opponents defeated, the dark knight walked over to the transfiguration statue and took off his gauntlet, placing his hand on its base.
