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She tried to get up, but the young man wouldn't let her.

– I didn't let you go, – he said irritably.

Anna glanced at the sword beside the bed, and Raven saw it.

– The royal sword of Adenia. He chooses his own master, he can only be held by the strongest, and the rest of this weapon causes pain.

The monarch's voice had regained its former firmness and authority. He looked at Anna quizzically. And before he knew it, she had turned on her axis and, in the blink of an eye, had placed the cold steel against his throat like a flash of lightning. The leader of the strongest Raven magic clan froze in place. He didn't move, feeling a warm trickle of blood trickle down his neck.

– Yes, – Anna said. – I've handled this sword before. – Should I claim the throne? After all, I personally also have a connection to the dynasty of the kings of Adenia. And I have more right to be at the head of the state than you, my nephew Ratmir, whom you are so afraid of, and even more than the late Leo the Seventh. Once upon a time, my grandfather ceded power to him and paid for it. And you're so calm about leaving this toy anywhere. And for some reason, you call me a fool.
