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– Catch up with all the horsewomen!

– Yes, Your Majesty.

The guards withdrew. Robin quickly pulled on his shirt and doublet, moving back and forth uncontrollably. The sound of the siren made everyone in the room tense up.

– Someone broke into the vault!" – Arthur shouted.

The young men ran.

The palace treasury was protected by the most powerful magic spells imaginable. Therefore, it was deserted in front of the entrance. When the siren announced that all the locks were broken, a large squad of the palace's best guards quickly appeared in the hall. Spread out in battle readiness, they looked around for the enemy. The captain was the first to spot the black knight at the top of the stairs. In the hands of the silent stranger, two blades flashed and cut through the air like lightning. After performing this trick, he paused for a moment, waiting for the attack, and it immediately took place. Streams of destructive energy flew at him like a wall. The warrior swung his swords again and, in some incomprehensible way, some of the magic reflected back, scattering the squad, and another part created a wall behind them. Which is what Arthur, Edward, and Robin saw when they arrived on the scene. The squad immediately grouped together and split into two halves. The first half of the warriors rushed into battle, climbing the stairs with their weapons drawn. The Bear and the Falcon were touching the invisible wall, trying to figure out what spell would destroy it, and the Raven suddenly disconnected from reality. A memory flashed clearly in his mind. He's only seven years old. He lives alone in the Greenlands. The servants who had cared for him and the Auden heir had fled. He hears the baby cry and sees the last of the knights defending them fall, slain by the swords of the warriors of the Order of the Golden Lion. He is small, but he understands that no one will spare them. The Black Knight appears unexpectedly and pats him on the head. He pulls out two blades that reflect the blinding light of the sun, and goes forward alone against two hundred experienced soldiers. The boy barely has time to watch him, like a black tornado that inflicts wounds on its opponents, and they can do nothing in return.
