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“Yes, that’s a bob-cat, all right enough, and a big one, too, I imagine,” cried Bill, excitedly. “We should have brought a gun. Might have known we’d run across one of these fellows before we quit,” he said.

There was a rustling of dried leaves, and before any one had time to move the bob-cat landed with a thump in the midst of them. Ed crashed into George in his frantic effort to get out of the way, and both of them fell in a heap. Ben made a vicious swing with his ax; but the bob-cat evaded him and went racing off with Moze in hot pursuit.

When the boys regained their feet, the trapper was some distance away with the lantern. Ben, who was crashing through some bushes to their left, called to them to follow the light. Not wishing to be lost in the inky woods, they hurried, pell-mell, after Bill and the sounds of fighting.

From the snarls and growls which they heard, the lads knew that Moze had once more brought the bob-cat to bay. Panting and excited, they at last bumped into the trapper, who was standing with the lantern held high above his head, pointing at some rocks which Ben was cautiously approaching, ax in hand.
