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Then he shouted a warning, for the bob-cat drew back as the second missile sped past its head, and, gathering its powerful feet beneath it, sprang directly at Ed and the lantern. As the startled boy turned to run it struck him in the middle of his back and sent him pitching forward on his face.

Instantly Moze rushed in, and Bill ran forward yelling, club in hand. Then ensued some terrific fighting in the dark, for the lantern had been smashed against a rock when Ed fell. Snarls, growls, yells, and blows resounded from the blackness as Bill, Moze, and the bob-cat fought over the prostrate body of Ed, who prudently lay face downward, afraid to move.

Luckily, Moze closed with the bob-cat before it had a chance to inflict injury on the lad. And then, seeing the danger the boy was in, Bill rushed into the fray with his club, and the cat was too hard pressed to turn its attention to the boy underneath. But he was in a risky place, for the combatants rolled back and forth over his body, and several times he felt sharp scratches on his neck and shoulders as Moze and the bob-cat struck and snapped at each other. Then he heard Bill’s club descend with a loud whack, and at the same time the trapper called to him to roll out of the way, which he lost no time in doing.
