Читать книгу Verification of M.Faraday's hypothesis on the gravitational power lines онлайн

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3. Shear strain field during the rotation of the body takes in to account the regularities of the dynamics of boundary layers formation, in its particular case – separated flow. Given the balance of forces, in which a separated flow is realized with the formation of a boundary layer on the surface of the rotation body.

4. The velocity gradient in the boundary layer leads to a concentric orientation of the power lines of the gravitational field. The area with the maximum orientation of the power lines characterized by minimal resistance to movement of the orbiting body and is treated as an allowed orbit.


1. Force field. Published 21.12.2012 | By Astronomer

2. www.sciteclibrary.ru/rus/catalog/pages/4903.html

3. A.Serkov, Hypotheses, Moscow, Ed.LLC SIC "Uglekhimvolokno", 1998, S. 73.

4. www.aerodriving.ru

Chapter 2. Gravimagnetic braking of celestial bodies


Expressed and justified the assumption that the braking satellites of the moon due to gravimagnetic forces arising at the intersection of the satellites of power lines (line tension) of the gravitational field. To calculate the forces used an equation similar electrodynamics equation of the Lorentz force. The estimated braking time for "the lunar Prospector", "Smart-1" and "Kaguya" is the same as the actual precision of ± 14 %. The scheme occurrence of gravimagnetic forces is proposed, according to which the magnitude of the force depends on Sinα, where α is the angle at which the satellite crosses the line gravimagnetic tension. For non-rotating body as Moon, this angle is equal to 90*0 and thegravimagnetic braking force has a maximum value. In the case of rotating bodies, such as Earth, the intersection of the gravimagnetic tension lines, apparently, is at a sharper angle and the braking force is substantially less (the effect of "Pioneers" and the satellites "Lageos").
