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Orbital speed at the beginning and end of the free flight accordingly was 1,1984.105 and 1,2004.108 cm/s Substituting the obtained values of the average distance in the beginning of the period of free flight and orbital velocity at the beginning and end of the flight in the formula 1, we get the value of the constant C = 1,91.108 cm/s, which is close enough to the values previously given for satellites "Luna-10" (3,69.108 cm/s) and the lunar Prospector" (2,25.108 cm/s).

Japanese satellite of the Moon "Kaguya" was launched on 14 September 2007 with the Japanese Baikonur Tanegasima using booster h-2A (H-2A) [9]. The mass of the satellite 3000 kg. To the orbit of the moon it was only appear on 4 October 2007. After separation of the two auxiliary satellites, test equipment and instruments basic core ("Main orbiter") mass 2 27 1kg December 2007 began their regular observations on polar circular orbit with altitude of 100 km (the distance from the center of 1,838.108 cm, orbital speed 1,6332.105 cm/s).
