Читать книгу Verification of M.Faraday's hypothesis on the gravitational power lines онлайн

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Unlike the Moon, the Earth has its own rotation around its axis. This rotation may distort the lines of tension from Sinα = 1 to Sinα = 0, that is, braking force in a rotating central bodies can have a very small value.

It can be assumed that the rotation of the Earth causes deformation of the surrounding gravitational field, and this oscillatory motion, in which are formed of concentric layers with different orientation vector gravimagnetic tension. When the orientation is close to concentric (Sinα ≈ 0) the motion is without braking and energy consumption, i.e. elite or permitted orbits. If the orientation of the vector gravimagnetic tension is close to radial, as in the case of the Moon, the braking is happened and the satellite moves to the bottom of the orbit lying with less potential energy.

In some works [11, 12] it is shown that planetary and satellite orbital distance r is expressed by the equation similar to equation Bohr quantization of orbits in the atom:

r = n2k, (4)

where n is an integer (quantum) number, k is a constant having a constant value for the planetary and each satellite system.
