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“A commander”—and I laid enough emphasis on the title to point out to him his error in terminology—”in the Special Patrol Service usually finds plenty to occupy his mind,” I commented, wondering more than ever what was up.

“True,” said the Chief briskly. “You’ll pardon me if I’m exceedingly brief, Commander, but there’s a sizeable group in there waiting my return.

“I have a special mission for you; a welcome relief from routine patrol. I believe you have made special requests, in the past, for assignments other than the routine work of the Service, Commander?”

He was boxing me up in a corner, and I knew it, but I couldn’t deny what he said, so I admitted it as gracefully as I could.

“Very well,” nodded the Chief, and it seemed to me his eyes twinkled for an instant. “Inverness, here, is head of a party of scientists bent upon a certain exploration. They have interested the Council in the work, and the Council has requested the cooperation of this Service.”

He glanced at me to make sure I understood. I certainly did; when the Supreme Council requested something, that thing was done.
