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As we came toward them, the Aranians packed about the entrance gave way grudgingly, all save two or three. Without an instant’s hesitation, I lifted my pistol and slashed them into jerking pulp.

“Hold the ray,” I ordered the two men by my side, “until we need it. They’ll get a surprise when it goes into action.”


Seeing their advantage, the Aranians rushed us. At a word from me, the ray operators went into action, and I did what I could with my comparatively ineffective pistol. Between us, we swept the passage clean as far as we could see—which was not far, for the reddish dust of disintegration hung in the quiet air, and the light of our ethon lamps could not pierce it.

For a moment I thought we would have clear sailing; Correy and his men were doing fine work behind us, and our ray was sweeping everything before us.

Then we came to the first of the intersecting passages, and a clattering horde of Aranians leaped out at us. The ray operators stopped them, but another passage on the opposite side was spewing out more than I could handle with my pistol.
