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“Work fast!” I ordered. Even with Inverness, Brady, and the three of the Ertak’s crew doing what they could in those narrow quarters, we were having a hard time holding back the horde of angry, desperate Aranians. Tipene was useless; he was cowering beside the ray operators, chattering at them, urging them to hurry.

Had we had good light, our task would have been easy, but the passage was choked now with dust. Our ethon lamps made little more than a dismal glow. The clattering Aranians were almost within leaping distance before we could see them; indeed, more than one was stopped in mid-air by a spray from one pistol or another.

“Ready, sir,” gasped the ray man who had spoken before. “I think we’ve got it large enough, now.”

“Good!” I brought down two scuttling Aranians, so close that their twitching legs fell in an untidy heap almost at my feet. “You go first, and protect our advance. Then the rest of you; Mr. Correy and I will bring up the—”

“No!” screamed Tipene, shouldering aside the ray men. “I....” He disappeared into the slanting shaft, and the two ray men followed quickly. The three members of the crew went next; then Brady and Inverness.
