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“I agree, General. An ultimatum.”

“Right. Keep your men back at a safe distance from now on. I want no more casualties.”

Straut cursed his luck as he hung up the phone. Margrave was ready to relieve him, after he had exercised every precaution. He had to do something fast, before this opportunity for promotion slipped out of his hands.

He looked at Major Greer. “I’m neutralizing this thing once and for all. There’ll be no more men killed.”

Lieberman stood up. “General! I must protest any attack against this—”

Straut whirled. “I’m handling this, Professor. I don’t know who let you in here or why—but I’ll make the decisions. I’m stopping this man-killer before it comes out of its nest, maybe gets into that village beyond the woods. There are four thousand civilians there. It’s my job to protect them.” He jerked his head at Greer, strode out of the room.

Lieberman followed, pleading. “The creature has shown no signs of aggressiveness, General Straut—”

“With two men dead?”

“You should have kept them back—”
