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“... strange sort of reasoning, but there was a certain analogy. In any event, I’m assured the translation is accurate. Here’s how it reads in English....”

Straut listened. Then he carefully placed the receiver back on the hook.

Lieberman stared at him.

“What did it say?”

Straut cleared his throat. He turned and looked at Lieberman for a long moment before answering.

“It said, ‘Please take good care of my little girl.’“

The Drug, by C.C. MacApp

Amos Parry, a regional manager for Whelan, Inc. (Farm & Ranch Chemicals & Feeds), had come to work a few minutes early and was waiting in the lab when Frank Barnes arrived. He saw that the division’s chief chemist was even more nervous than usual, so he invested a few minutes in soothing small talk before saying, “Frank, Sales is beginning to push for that new hormone.”

Immediately, Barnes came unsoothed. “Bill Detrick was on the phone about it yesterday, Mr. Parry. I’m sorry I was abrupt with him.”

Amos grinned. “If you were, he hasn’t had a chance to mention it to me yet. But I think we’d better light a fire under the thing. We’ll probably get a blast from Buffalo before long. How many men do you have on it?”
