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“That’s it,” said Captain Hannah. “Compost heap. Well, I started the journey with the ship full and Beulah and the compost heap empty. I finished pretty much the other way around. I suppose it sounds easy, but it wasn’t.

“I started off with Beulah chained down in the middle of the compartment, and everything stacked around her. She didn’t want me to leave when I went up to the bridge to take off, and hollered as piteously as you can imagine. But I couldn’t have a nurse for her—mahout, they call them. I couldn’t spare the weight. Or the salary, for that matter. She was chained down, so she couldn’t move around and upset the balance.

“After chemical take off, we slid into parking orbit as sweet as you please. I hurried down to shift the load around. I didn’t want to stay weightless any longer than I had to, because I remembered that sick Indian elephant—and Beulah outweighed him by almost two tons, and had a larger stomach to match. Of course, the Indian elephant had gone into orbit on a full belly, and I hadn’t let Beulah have a bite to eat for hours. It made a difference, let me tell you.
