Читать книгу The Discovery of Witchcraft. Facts, Fiction & Conspiracy Theories Behind the Medieval Witch Hunt онлайн

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A confutation of the fable of the hangman, of manie other feined and ridiculous tales and apparitions, with a reproofe thereof. pag. 532.

A confutation of Johannes Laurentius, and of manie others, mainteining these fained and ridiculous tales and apparitions, & what driveth them awaie; of Moses and Helias appearance in Mount Thabor. pag. 534.

A confutation of assuming of bodies, and of the serpent that seduced Eve. pag. 536.

The objection concerning the divels assuming of the serpents bodie answered. pag. 537.

Of the cursse rehearsed Genes. 3. and that place rightlie expounded, John Calvines opinion of the divell. pag. 539.

Mine owne opinion and resolution of the nature of spirits, and of the divell, with his properties. pag. 540.

Against fond witchmongers, and their opinions concerning corporall divels. pag. 542.

A conclusion wherin the Spirit of spirits is described, by the illumination of which spirit all spirits are to be tried: with a confutation of the Pneutomachi*42 flatlie denieng the divinitie of this Spirit. pag. 543.
