Читать книгу The Discovery of Witchcraft. Facts, Fiction & Conspiracy Theories Behind the Medieval Witch Hunt онлайн

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How the divell preached good doctrine in the shape of a preest, how he was discovered, and that it is a shame (after confutation of the greater witchcrafts) for anie man to give credit to the lesser points thereof. pag. 481.

A conclusion against witchcraft, in maner and forme of an Induction. pag. 483.

Of naturall witchcraft or fascination. pag. 484.

Of inchanting or bewitching eies. pag. 485./

Of naturall witchcraft for love, &c. pag. 487.[S s. viii.]

A Discourse upon divels and spirits, and first of philosophers opinions, also the maner of their reasoning hereupon, and the same confuted. ssss1.

Mine owne opinion concerning this argument, to the disproofe of some writers hereupon. pag. 491.

The opinion of Psellus touching spirits, of their severall orders, and a confutation of his errors therein. pag. 492.

More absurd assertions of Psellus and such others, concerning the actions and passions of spirits, his definition of them, and of his experience therein. pag. 495.

The opinion of Fascius Cardanus touching spirits, and of his familiar divell. pag. 497.
