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Another caution128 is, that at the time and place of torture, the hallowed things aforesaid, with the seaven words spoken on the crosse, be hanged about the witches necke; and the length of Christ in waxe be knit about hir bare naked bodie, with relikes of saints, &c. All which stuffe (saie they) will so worke within and upon them, as when they are racked and tortured, they can hardlie staie or hold themselves from confession. In which case I doubt not but that pope,129 which blasphemed Christ, and curssed his mother for a pecocke, and curssed God with great despights for a peece of porke, with lesse compulsion would have renounced the trinitie, and have worshipped the divell upon his knees./1.

Another caution is, that after she hath beene racked, and hath passed over all tortures devised for that purpose; and after that she hath beene compelled to drinke holie water, she be conveied/31. againe to the place of torture: and that in the middest of hir torments, hir accusations be read unto hir; and that the witnesses (if they will) be brought face to face unto hir: and finallie, that she be asked, whether for triall of hir innocencie she will have judgement, Candentis ferri,130 which is; To carrie a certeine weight of burning iron in hir bare hand. But that may not (saie they) in anie wise be granted. For both M. Mal. and Bodin also affirme, that manie things may be promised, but nothing need be performed: for whie, they have authoritie to promise, but no commission to performe the same.
