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And in this place it may not be omitted, that above all other times, they confesse upon fridaies. Now saith James Sprenger, and Henrie Institor, we must saie all, to wit: If she confesse nothing, she should be dismissed by lawe; and yet by order she may in no wise be bailed, but must be put into close prison, and there be talked withall by some craftie person (those are the words) and in the meane while there must be some eves-dropers with pen and inke behind the wall, to hearken and note what she confesseth: or else some of hir old companions and acquain/tance32. may come in and talke with hir of old matters, and so by eves-droppers be also bewraied; so as there shall be no end of torture before she have confessed what they will./2.

The Ninth Chapter.


The fifteene crimes laid to the charge of witches, by witchmongers; speciallie by Bodin, in Dæmonomania.

Answere.*133 Then let them die therefore, or at the least be used like infidels, or apostataes.

134 They cursse, blaspheme, and provoke God with all despite.
