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And whereas the storie of Job in this case is alledged against me (wherein a witch is not once named) I have particularlie answered it else-where. And therefore thus much onelie I say heere; that Even there, where it pleased God (as Calvine saith) to set downe circumstances for the instruction of our grosse capacities, which are not able to conceive of spirituall communication, or heavenlie affaires; the divell desireth God to stretch out his hand, and touch all that Job211 hath. And though he seemeth to grant sathans desire, yet God himselfe sent fire from heaven, &c. Where, it is to be gathered, that although God said, He is in thine hand: it was the Lords hand that punished Job,212 and not the hand of the divell, who said not, Give me leave to plague him; but, Laie thine hand upon him. And when Job continued faithfull notwithstanding all his afflictions, in his children, bodie and goods; the divell is said to come againe to God, and to saie as before, to wit: 213 Now stretch out thine hand, and touch his bones and his flesh. Which argueth as well that he could not doo it, as that he himselfe did it not before. And be it here remembred, that M. Mal.214 and the residue of the witchmongers denie, that there were any witches in Jobs time. But see more hereof elsewhere.
