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The xiiii. Chapter.


What would ensue, if witches confessions or wi[t]chmongers opinions were true, concerning the effects of witchcraft, inchantments, &c.

If it be objected, that witches worke by the divell, and christian princes are not to deale that way; I answer, that few princes disposed to battell would make conscience therin, speciallie such as take unjust wars in hand, using other helpes, devises, & engines as unlawfull and divelish as that; in whose campe there is neither the rule of religion or christian order observed: insomuch as ravishments, murthers, blasphemies and/51. thefts are there most commonlie and freelie committed. So that the divell is more feared,216 and better served in their camps, than God almightie.

But admit that souldiers would be scrupulous herein, the pope hath authoritie to dispense therewith; as in like case he hath/64. doone, by the testimonie of his owne authors and friends. Admit also, that throughout all christendome, warres were justly mainteined, and religion dulie observed in their camps; yet would the Turke and other infidels cut our throtes, or at least one anothers throte, with the helpe of their witches; for they would make no conscience thereof.
