Читать книгу Глоссарий юридической терминологии (Glossary of legal Terminology) онлайн

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14. Personal property and liens. Intellectual property

15. Wills. The main provisions of the will and essential reservations and instructions.

16. Disinheritance. Revocation of the will, expiration, and exceptions.

17. Absence of a will. A personal representative of the property. Agency law

18. Settlement of property status. Acquisition of ownership of the real estate. Multiple ownership of the real estate

19. Mortgage loans. Landlord and tenant

20. The procedure of marriage and divorce

21. Commercial organizations. Bankruptcy Law

22. U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)

The difficulty of translating terms lies in different legal systems in English-speaking countries and the Russian Federation. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to find similar legal terms in these legal systems, and some terms were described by direct translation from one language to another.

The leading legal systems in named countries are the Anglo-Saxon and Romano-Germanic legal systems. The most critical differences in the Anglo-Saxon and Romano-Germanic law systems are that the Anglo-Saxon system of law is based on judicial precedents. In contrast, the Romano-Germanic system is based on normative legal acts. Anglo-Saxon law is not divided into public and private (Anglo-Saxon law does not have a structure of clarity and systematicity, unlike the Romano-Germanic legal system).
