Читать книгу Глоссарий юридической терминологии (Glossary of legal Terminology) онлайн

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The sources of law in the Russian Federation are the Constitution, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, presidential decrees and orders, Government resolutions and orders, departmental acts of federal executive authorities, constitutions (charters) of subjects of the Russian Federation, laws of subjects of the Russian Federation, acts of executive authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation, acts of local self-government bodies; also, international treaties and agreements, if they have been duly ratified, are sources of law.

Russia's legal system is a combination of the national system of law and international legal obligations of the Russian Federation, the legal culture of Russian society, and legal practice in Russia. In the Russian legal system, it is traditionally possible to distinguish: constitutional (state) law, civil law, administrative law, criminal law, civil procedure law, criminal procedure law, agricultural law, land law, labor law, family law, financial law.
