Читать книгу The Life of Sir Henry Morgan. With an account of the English settlement of the island of Jamaica онлайн

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Still much delayed by calms and variable breezes, the grey stone tower of the castle of Santiago on its lofty cliff did not come in sight until the morning of October 5, and the wind continued so faint that the ships did not succeed in approaching the harbour's narrow entrance until late that afternoon. When within half a mile of the shore a land breeze rose, which made it dangerous to venture into that narrow winding channel leading into a land-locked bay, which would not admit of the passage of more than one ship at a time. The depth of water forbade them from attempting to cast anchor with safety near the castle. A strong surf beat upon the reefs and as the great height of the cliffs intercepted the wind and formed eddies and gusts, the ships seemed in great danger of drifting upon the jagged rocks along shore. The plan of attack was quickly changed, and orders were given to make a landing at the little wharf of Aguadores, about two miles to the windward or east of the castle, "the only place possible to march for the towne, on all that rocky coast."
