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On that particular occasion Saturday night was to be Spy Night at the Embassy, and the effect aimed at a nice blend of Phillips Oppenheim and Limehouse Nights. Grog had been busy for days painting a brilliant collection of life-sized liveried flunkeys, unconventionally armed with revolvers and sub-machine-guns, which he pinned up about the house to give it the required tone. Our guests, arriving about nine, found us breathless but ready, and the noise and chatter, drinking and dancing and showing off went on until next morning.

Sunday usually passed in recuperation, for on Monday there was serious work to be done.

Among all the very good things there are in life I think I would put in the first flight the glorious bustle of the preparations for a country feast at which very old friends are to predominate. This is entertaining without worry or pretension, and if something goes wrong it is only an added excitement all can share.

There was never any question of hiring extra help on these occasions. Help started arriving at six in the morning and the weather was the only uncertain assistant.
