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She will suspect forgery if she is told that the top partners are added to the database for 2021 almost daily.

He was told that she would suspect forgery if she was told that the top partners were added to the database for 2021 almost daily.

We said that in just a few holidays, the geographic group could be fully explored.

We were told that if since that morning our new employee was dividing the countries in the database into Abroad and the CIS, someone from the staff could handle the organization of the meeting for the delegation from China.

If I add a legend for indicators and a copy taking into account TOP partners, the new indicators will alert all employees.

If the employees of our department evaluate the foreign countries in the periods of activity for all clients, as it was done before, they will not be thrilled.

He said that it would be great if for several days, we were considering the percentage distribution of money and periods of activity.

I would not like if he would be told that I had been written a legend for the report for two days before the meeting started.
