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If I (not have../ если бы…) another information, I (say../ я бы…) that all data (provide../ были предоставлены) (! / без) (take..) (!) account …customers (!) TOP partners and branches.

Ключ к тесту 6

I would be extremely surprised if you were told that that we will be given around 600 new customers in September.

I would say that about 400 clients could come for the Test Drive campaign.

I would not believe if I were told that the number of new replenished clients will be steadily growing from the beginning of September to the end of August.

You said that in total by the end of September we would be brought about 1000 new customers.

We were told that if the next day throughout the evening the finance department was holding a meeting on that issue, after I we had been given the results, we could also vote.

She said that if the next day throughout the evening the finance department would be holding a meeting on this issue, before I was sent to you with the results, I could have found out the results of the vote.
