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If then they (tell../ если бы тогда им сказали) that local depositors (work../ работали) according to a different scheme during …holidays, they (be../ были бы) very surprised.

If then we (work../ мы бы работали) according to such a scheme, we (have../ мы бы…) internet banks and a new online Naira payment system for Nigeria until last year.

He (say../ сказал) that …conversion (!) payments there (be../ была бы) only 40% for several years, before we (decide../ мы бы…) (abandon..) customers from that country.

If he (show../ если бы…) interest in it, yesterday he (tell../ ему бы сказали) that …lowest conversion rate (be../ был) (! / в) South Africa.

I (not say../ бы не сказал) that (!) average, there (be../ было бы) many new clients from that country until …elections (begin)../ начались).

Ключ к тесту 5

He said that it would be great if I attached the report to the task.

It would be nice if we were having decreased the number of unsuccessful transactions in some countries since October till December.
