Читать книгу Общий курс английского языка. Часть 6 (С1— С2). 13 552 английских слова + © Лингвистический Реаниматор онлайн

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They (say../ сказали) that then I (add../ добавляю) a legend for indicators and a copy taking (!) account TOP partners.

They (told../ им сказали) that …employees (!) our department (evaluate../ оценили) …foreign countries in …periods (!) activity for all clients, as it (do../ делалось) before.

He (say../ сказал) that for several days, we (consider../ рассматривали) …percentage distribution (!) money and periods (!) activity.

He (told../ ему сказали) that I (write../ писали) a legend for …report for two days before …meeting (start..).

You (say../ сказали) that there (be../ есть) customers who (sign../ зарегистрировались) up 3 months before …audit (start..).

You (told../ вам сказали) that their top-ups for …reference period (average../ усреднены).

I (say../ сказал) that all data (provide../ были предоставлены) without taking into account the customers of TOP partners and branches.

Ключ к тесту 4

You were told that I predicted that we would be given around 600 new customers in September.

I said that about 400 clients would come for the Test Drive campaign.

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