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I was told that the number of new replenished clients would be steadily growing from the beginning of September to the end of August.

You said that in total by the end of September we would be brought about 1000 new customers.

You were told that the next day throughout the evening the finance department would be holding a meeting on that issue, after I we had been given the results.

She said that the next day throughout the evening the finance department would have been holding a meeting on this issue, before I was sent to you with the results.

She was told that the top partners were added to the database for 2021 almost daily.

We said that in just a few holidays, the geographic group had been fully explored.

We were told that since that morning our new employee had been dividing the countries in the database into Abroad and the CIS.

They said that then I was adding a legend for indicators and a copy taking into account TOP partners.

They were told that the employees of our department had evaluated the foreign countries in the periods of activity for all clients, as it had been done before.
