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Border-free payroll

Our world is global, and companies don’t have borders. Instant and nearly free payroll is enticing and would save a lot of headaches for organizations. But there are drawbacks, too.

The largest risks will be with the loss of funds through hacking. If you’re compensated in cryptocurrency, and you are hacked, it will be impossible to retrieve your funds. There’s no dispute resolution center. There’s no customer service to complain to for the loss of these funds. Thieves of digital currency have global access while being somewhat anonymous. The hacker could be anywhere.

With the current structure of blockchains, consumers are responsible for their own security. Currently, customers don’t have the main burden of protecting and insuring themselves from a loss. Larger companies and governments offer protection and insurance, and they have for as long as anyone can remember. Regular individuals haven’t had to protect themselves in this manner since they stopped holding their own gold during medieval times (more or less).

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