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Micropayments: The new nature of transactions

Micropayments are the new form of transactions. Credit card companies may use blockchain technology to settle the transaction, reduce fraud, and lower their own costs.

Global institutions like Visa and MasterCard, which provide the benefit of delayed payments, will always be needed by consumers in capitalistic societies. Even if the backend changes, you still have the same access points for customers. But physical cards will go away. In fact, that’s happening now, even without blockchain technology. With blockchain technology, the customer identities behind payments will be more hardened against theft.

People still need credit to operate a business and get by personally. Credit card companies will keep making money through transaction fees. Credit runs the world, and capital markets will always exist in our current social structure. The cost of sending money between groups will decrease, but that’s a good thing for financial institutions. They want to focus on the service of providing their customers with the best choices in their investment or banking markets.
