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Zero waste cooking focuses on shopping for what you need, not what randomly “looks good.” Grocery stores strategically set up their shelves and displays to entice you to buy more. They place seasonal items at your eye level, and companies pay a premium for the best shelf placement. But shopping only for what you need will ultimately help reduce your food waste. You’ll find lots of tips and strategies for sticking to your food budget and grocery list in ssss1.

A good shopping list makes trips to the grocery store more efficient. Your list should include everything you need to create meals for the next week or two. You might break your list into a big order or a few smaller orders, so think of your list as a running inventory as well. These are planned purchases that fit your budget and meal planning. ssss1 helps you analyze what you have, what you don’t use or need, and what may be ending up in your garbage can too often. Here are a few reminders to get you started:

 Use a list. Consider a digital app or keeping a running list on your smartphone.