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You may experience some hesitation before submitting the essay. This is understandable, for once it’s submitted you lose some degree of control over it. It’s a difficult thing to submit a manuscript for publication. Even if it’s rejected from your first‐choice journal, submitting it is still an accomplishment and your work during the submission process will make it more likely that your second‐choice journal will accept it. So reward yourself in some way!

In Conclusion

Learning to write at the highest level of the academy is hard. But we are committed to the view that stating complex and technical arguments with stylistic clarity can be learned through examples. We chose models of writing that reinforce certain basic principles – a good piece of academic writing has a signpost, it is fair to the opponents, it illustrates a grasp of the literature, and it always goes back to the primary sources.

We are hopeful that this book will assist those who aspire to write research articles. We hope the ultimate result is a growth in the academy, in the church, and in the world of thoughtful exponents of creative theology.

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