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 c. Fat analogs: These compounds have similar characteristics of fat but digestibility and nutritional value are different.

 d. Fat extenders: They allow decrease in the amount of fat in the product [18].

Carbohydrate-based fat replacers are not used for frying purpose. Protein-based fat replacers are made from milk protein or egg protein. They can be heated and be converted to microparticle that give the same mouth feel as fat. They are used in butter, cheese, mayonnaise, and salad dressings. They cannot be used for frying and baking. Fat-based fat replacers are fat molecules that are modified so that they can be partially absorbed. Sweeteners

Sweeteners are added to improve the taste of food. They also contribute to energy value. Some sweeteners like polyols are the modified sweetener that are popular nowadays. They are natural compounds and often added to boost flavor. They can provide some nutrition but they do not cause tooth decay or affect insulin response. On the other hand, artificial sweeteners have very little or no nutritional value. Sweeteners can be classified as in ssss1.
