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‘Behold here in one view thou mayst see all that payne,

O Princesse, to this thy people the onely stay:

What echewhere thou hast seen in this wide town again

This one arche whatsoever the rest conteynd doth say.

The first arche, as true heyre unto thy father dere,

Did set thee in the throne where thy graundfather satte:

The second did confirme thy seate as Princesse here.

Vertues now bearing swaye, and Vyces bet down flatte.

The third, if that thou wouldst goe on as thou began,

Declared thee to be blessed on every syde;

The fourth did open Trueth and also taught thee whan

The Commonweale stoode well, and when it did thence slide.

The fifth as Debora, declared thee to be sent,

From Heaven, a long comfort to us thy subjectes all:

Therefore goe on, O Quene, on whom our hope is bent,

And take with thee this wishe of thy town as finall:

Live long, and as long raygne, adourning thy countrie

With Vertues, and mayntayne thy people’s hope of thee:

For thus, thus Heaven is won: thus must you pearce the sky.
