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Any one interested in the matter will find it quite instructive to calculate the returning charges, or gross profits, in smelting these ores, on the basis of 70 per cent. recovery, at $32.25 per 1000 lb. of ore, less 50c. per ton haulage, with lead at $4.77 per 100 lb. at St. Louis. No deduction, it should be remarked, is ever made for moisture in lead ores in this district. It is of interest to observe that Dr. Isaac A. Hourwich estimates (in the U. S. Census Special Report on Mines and Quarries recently issued) the average lead contents of the soft lead ores of Missouri in 1902 at 68.2 per cent., taking as a basis the returns from five leading mining and smelting companies of Missouri, which reported a product of 70,491 tons of lead from 103,428 tons of their own and purchased ore. The average prices for lead ore in 1902 were reported as follows, per 1000 lb.: Illinois, $19.53; Iowa, $24.48; Kansas, $23.51; Missouri, $22.17; Wisconsin, $23.29; Rocky Mountain and Atlantic Coast States, $10.90. In 1903, according to Ingalls (“The Mineral Industry,” Vol. XII), the ore from the Joplin district commanded an average price of $53 per 2000 lb., while the average in the southeastern district was $46.81.
