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[‘Show me that spot, as Jacob, Moses, Isaiah, still in the flesh, saw God face to face’:] vel etiam quomodo Paulus raptus in paradisum audivit verba ineffabilia, et Dominum suum Jesum Christum vidit oculis suis; ita ego quoque te in lumine tuo et in decore tuo per mentis excessum merear contemplari, pascentem uberius, quiescentem securius. Nam et hic pascis, sed non in saturitate; nec cubare licet, sed stare et vigilare propter timores nocturnos. Heu! nec clara lux, nec plena refectio, nec mansio tuta: et ideo indica mihi ubi pascas, ubi cubes in meridie. …

I should like to express my sincere thanks to my colleague Prof. W. KranzKranz, W. for his many valuable observations, and to Mr. H. S. BoydBoyd, H. S. for his kind help in translating this article into English.

TypologicalTypologie symbolismSymbolismus in medieval literature (1952)

In DanteDante’s third heaven, the heaven of Venus, the soul on whom DanteDante apparently wishes to focus our attention, is introduced to him, by one of her companions, in this manner: ‘Now, I will satisfy the ultimate desire which this star has suggested to you; you wish to know who is hidden in this light which shines about me like a sunbeam in pure water: this soul is Rahab, and her splendor gives to our ranks the seal of supreme beatitude; she was the first to be received into this heaven when Christ liberated the souls from hell; it was most fitting that she should be in one of the heavens as a trophy of the victory that was won with both hands; and this because she contributed to the first conquest made by Joshua in the holy land, a remembrance which means little to the Pope.’ (Par. 9, 109–126). And then, the speaker continues with a violent attack against the avarice of the clergy.
