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“I don’t know. It’s broad daylight outside though.”

“It must be afternoon then,” said Joseph. “We arrived here sometime in the forenoon, I think.”

“Yes, I know we did. I don’t think it’s afternoon though.”

“Why not?”

“Because I feel very much rested. I think it must be tomorrow morning, if you understand what I mean by that remark.”

“You mean we’ve slept nearly all day, and all night, too, I suppose.”

“Yes,” said Robert. “That’s exactly what I mean.”


“Not at all. That would only bring us up to our average anyway.”

Joseph made his way to the window and looked out. “Perhaps you’re right,” he agreed. “It does look sort of like early morning outside.”

“Don’t you think we ought to find Deerfoot?”

“We might look for him anyway. Let’s go out.”

They crawled out through the low door and after scanning the landscape for possible signs of an enemy both stood up. Deerfoot was nowhere to be seen.

“Let’s look for the canoe,” suggested Robert. “If that is gone, Deerfoot is with it somewhere.”

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