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LACTANTIUS also observes[41], That, if peradventure a Male should be conceiv’d of the Seed fallen to the left Side, the Place destinated for the Female, he will make but a Semivirile Man; distinguishable by some Womanish Qualities, such as a weak or tender Heart, small Voice, a smooth, or unbearded Face, &c: And so, on the contrary, if a Female should be conceiv’d of the Seed fallen to the right Side, she will have some distinguishable Marks of Virility; such as a large Stature, robust Members, dusky Colour, rough hairy Face, coarse Voice, &c: And that because the Conception happen’d in that Place, which Nature had appropriated to the Male.

THIS likewise seems to be the best Reason which may be given why some Women, like Hector’s Wife, mentioned in Homer’s Iliads, are naturally inclin’d to intermeddle with Men’s Affairs; for having thus (as it were) originally invaded his Right ex traduce, they are always for maintaining their wrong Conquests, and defending their unjust Possessions in future Progress of Time.
