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THUS, in short, Nature hath cared and provided for Propagation and Posterity; not only in the Human Race, but also in all other Species of Creatures, according to the excellent Poet[36];

“Omne adeo genus in terris hominúmq; Ferarúmq;

“Et genus Æquoreum, pecudes, pictæq; Volucres,

“In furias ignemq; ruunt: Amor omnibus idem.——

“Quid Juvenis, &c.——

Thus ev’ry Creature, and of ev’ry Kind,

The secret Joys of sweet Coition find:

Not only Man’s imperial Race; but they

That wing the liquid Air, or swim the Sea,

Or haunt the Desart, rush into the Flame:

For Love is Lord of all; and is in all the same.

’Tis with this Rage, the Mother-Lion stung,

Scours o’er the Plain; regardless of her Young:

Demanding Rites of Love, she sternly stalks;

And hunts her Lover, in his lonely Walks.

’Tis then the shapeless Bear his Den forsakes;

In Woods and Fields a vast Destruction makes.

Boars whet their Tusks, to battle Tygers move,

Enrag’d with Hunger, more enrag’d with Love.

BUT all ludicrous Diversions apart! I proceed hence to a necessary Consequence of this Noble Natural PASSION; viz.
