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LOVE triumphantly overcomes all Things. All things yield to its Power; and the more we oppose it, the stronger Resistance it makes. It conquers the greatest Hearts, and victoriously subdues the most magnanimous Souls. Alexander the Great, was not exempted from this insuperable Passion, at the sight of Darius’s fair Daughters. No, LOVE made Hercules, the Son of JUPITER himself, stoop and truckle to the Female Conqueror; according to the following known Distich,

“Lenam non potuit, potuit superare Leænant,

“Quem Fera non potuit vincere, vicit Hera.

IN fine, I think it is also ingeniously well defin’d in this ensuing Hexastick, by Mr. Howel[35],

“Fax grata est, gratum est vulnus, mihi grata Catena est,

“Me quibus astringit, lædit & urit Amor;

“Sed Flammam extingui, sanari Vulnera, sulvi

“Vinc’la, etiam ut possem non ego posse velim:

“Mirum equidem Genus hoc Morbi est, Incendia & Ictus

“Vinc’laq; vinctus adhuc, læsus & ustus Amo.

Grateful’s to me the Fire, the Wound, the Chain,
