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MOREOVER, Motion and Exercise are very convenient, not only in the Beginning, but also in the Declension of this DISEASE; especially by strongly Chafing and Rubbing, with warm Flannels, every Morning in Bed.

BUT Sleep is not to be too much indulged, especially not in the Mornings; altho’ she be Then more propense to it, by reason of the abundance of VAPOURS ascending to the Brain.

LASTLY, to perfect and confirm this CURE, I would recommend[33] Hippocrates’s sound Advice to the Patient; which is to the following Purpose, of marrying betimes for the sake of Health, and to prevent all the future ill Consequences of this growing Malady.

EGO, inquit, Autor sum, ut Virgines hoc malo affectæ quàm celerrimè viris conjungantur; iisq; cohabitent: Si enim conceperint, convalescent. Si verò in pubertate hoc malo non corripiantur, tum paulo post eas invadit.

UPON which excellent Sentence, the two following Observations may, (I hope) appositely here follow and take place, viz.

I. Quod etiam Ratione & Experientiâ confirmatur[34]: Venere etenim Uterus & partes circa Uterum incalescunt, viæq; aperiuntur & laxantur, ut sanguis Menstruus postea faciliùs ad Uterum confluere & per eundem effluere possit.
