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AND because the Humours are Thick and Frigid, proper warming and attenuating, or preparing and purging Medicines are to be used in their Turns; or rarefying and inciding Matters may be mixed with the Purgatives. As also in Case the Humours lodge about the Ventricle and Mesentery, a gentle Vomit may be convenient.

BUT because divers Parts suffer OBSTRUCTIONS in this sickly Affection, proper Aperitives are to be made use of; and Those chiefly, which have a natural Affinity with every respective affected Part: As for Example; Hepaticks, for the LIVER; Spleneticks, for the SPLEEN; Uterines, for the WOMB, &c. Wherefore the Physician ought to weigh and consider well, whether the Veins about the VENTRICLE and MESENTERY, or LIVER and SPLEEN, be most obstructed; since the most special Regard must be had to the Part most affected.

IN the Beginning, such Medicines as serve best to open the Obstructions of the MESENTERY, SPLEEN, and LIVER, sparingly mix’d with such as provoke the MENSTRUA or MONTHS, are to be discreetly used: But afterwards, in Progress of the Cure, the Uterines may (by Degrees) be prudentially augmented.
