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II. Rectissimè etiam dictum, convalescent, si concipiant; quia Sanguis, qui præter Naturam antea retinebatur, jam in Fœtûs Formationem absumitur; & si quid vitiosorum humorum in Utero cumulatum sit, id post partum evacuatur.

I have thought it proper to insist the more upon this Head; because I know none else among all the Indispositions of Life, which can properly be accounted peculiar to Virgins.

SOME however may think perhaps, that I had a fair Opportunity in this Place, to introduce the various Diseases and Symptoms of the WOMB, VAGINA, and PUDENDUM; the divers Symptoms of the Menstruous Flux, together with Those which are incident to all Women after Puberty.

WHICH Objection I humbly beg leave briefly to answer, that a twofold Reason dissuaded me from undertaking to treat of Those Heads in this Place.

I. BECAUSE They are common to all Women in general, and incident to the Wife, or Widow, as well as to the Virgin; wherefore, I hope, another Place in this BOOK may be assigned to Them, more proper and convenient than This, without any Digression.
