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A number of individuals besides those already mentioned have devoted much labour and care to the translating and editing of Swedenborg’s scientific works, among whom we may mention the Englishmen J. J. Garth Wilkinson, M. D., and the Rev. A. Clissold, the German Prof. Dr. Immanuel Tafel, the German-American Dr. Rudolf Tafel, and the American Mr. Alfred H. Stroh, M. A.[11]

The strongest expression of this interest in Swedenborg’s scientific work in the most recent times, was that manifested during the International Swedenborg Congress, held this summer in London. On that occasion were gathered there representatives for numerous branches of the natural sciences, medicine, philosophy and theology, each one of whom contributed his account of the discoveries, inventions, and far-sighted utterances which Swedenborg had made within these several departments of knowledge. And imposing indeed was the homage which was as a consequence paid to the ingenious investigator as well as to the Country and the University which had produced him.
