Читать книгу The Totall Discourse of the Rare Adventures & Painefull Peregrinations. The Long Nineteene Yeares Travayles from Scotland to the most famous Kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Affrica онлайн

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Neverthelesse, for thy more easier understanding I have divided this History, in ten severall parts, and they also in three Bookes; which being seriously perused, doubtlesse thy labour shall receave both profit and pleasure: Accept them therefore with the same love, that I offer them to thee, since they cost thee nothing but the reading, how deare soever they are to mee: But understand me better, I scorne to draw my pen to the ignorant foole, neither shall it stoop to the proud Knave, for I contemne both: To the wise I know it will be welcome, to the profound Historian, yeeld knowledge, contemplation, and direction, and to the understanding Gentleman, insight, instruction, and recreation; and to the true-bred Poet fraternall love, both in meane and manner. Now as touching the hissing of snakish Papists; a tush for that snarling Crew; for as this worke, being fensed with experience, and garnished with trueth, is more than able to batter downe the stinging venome of their despightfull waspishnes: so also they may clearely see therein, as in a Mirrour, their owne blindnes, and the damnable errours of their blind Guiders, Deceavers, and Idolaters: And above all the cruell infliction imposed upon me, by the mercilesse Inquisition of their profession in Malaga: which for Christs sake I constantly suffered, in tortures, tormentes, and hunger: And lastly they may perceave Gods miraculous mercy, in discovering and delivering me from such a concealed and inhumane murder. And now referring the well set Reader to the History it selfe, where satisfaction lyeth ready to receave him, and expectation desirous of deserved thanks; I come to talke with the scelerate Companion: If thou beest a Villane, a Ruffian, a Momus, a Knave, a Carper, a Crittick, a Bubo, a Buffon, a stupid Asse, and a gnawing worme with envious lips; I bequeath thee to a Carnificiall reward: where a flaxing rope will soone dispatch thy snarling slander, and free my toylsome travells, and now paynefull labours, from the deadly poyson of thy sharpe edged calumnies: and so go hang thy selfe, for I neither will respect thy love, nor regard thy malice: And shall ever and alwayes remayne;
