Читать книгу The Totall Discourse of the Rare Adventures & Painefull Peregrinations. The Long Nineteene Yeares Travayles from Scotland to the most famous Kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Affrica онлайн

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The mansuet cup, the gods consuetly drunke,

In me involv’d, straight hony-gald it sunke:

That sweete Ambrosian Nectar, soundly wrapt

In my lock’d closet, suspitious Envy trapt;

[I. 5.]And fierce-eyd Jealousie, wingd with wind

Pierc’d staring Argos, turned his hundred blind:

Mycene-fancy fraught, Lusts fond alarmes,

Cros’d eye-stard’d Sparta, rapt with Phrigian charmes:

And teare-rent Sophyre, Synon-like betrayd

What votall oathes, loves sterne fort, ne’er bewrayd

But high-bred drifts, the stormy fates, grim night

And gloomy Hellespont, rob’d Heroes right:

As Illions destiny, forc’d Numidias Queene

To gore a Scepter, a Diadem in teene:

So haplesse I belov’d, O passion strange!

May as amaz’d, admire, that time, this change.

I chang’d a Wolfe, once for a tusked Boare,

And changing Beast for Beast, triumph’d the more:

Strained to assume, in countercambiat breath,

A dying life, revert in living death:

Translate it so, my Metaphore is such,

That Time, nor I, nor Fortune can avouch:

Thus Passion whirling in a cloudy Vale,
